Enjoi Lifestyle by Design is a Lifestyle Improvement firm. We are people-centered and believe that our world is constantly evolving from the bottom up. This means each person is intentionally creating their environment, community, city, and country through every decision and interaction. We offer support at all levels. The EL Design team specializes in providing healthy and sustainable ways to (em)power people and their community. We are a team of clinicians, healers, city planners, social entrepreneurs, and educators.
There are two facets of the company armed with the same goal. One arm focuses on personal development and the other one focuses on community and city development. Building on the work of Dan Buettner, The Blue Zones Project, we seek to create spaces where people can thrive.
EL + Co focuses on International Community Development. We seek to find local solutions for larger challenges, placing the community/city in a position to impact the world through strategic relationships and shared business endeavors.
Tourism is the heart of many communities around the world. EL + Co creates new opportunities for strategic alliances between global communities. We understand tourism is the way forward. The more people travel physically, mentally, and spiritually around the world, the more we become part of a global community with more understanding and love for one another. These experiences also create additional financial opportunities and ways for people, communities, and cities to expand and become more sustainable for future endeavors.
Sister City Relationships
We work with communities/cities around the world to promote sister-city relationships.
Sustainable Projects
We usher in a new era of expansion in thought leadership, reach, culture, vision and business through the creation of foundational programs.
Community Systems
We create systems within the community to improve health outcomes, decrease crime rates, enhance cultural experiences, and impact the socioeconomic development of the area.
Our Services
Community Liaison
Serve as point of contact and culture expert
Strategy + Consulting
Provide culturally appropriate insights to inform our strategies and ideas
Program Creation, Implementation + Evaluation
Travel Logistics + Support
Manage all of your travel needs and on-the-ground logistics in partnership with our sister company, E+Z
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- Home Base:
Atlanta, Ga USA
Tampa, FL USA
Kumasi, Ghana